The Toon Award was held the weekend of April 24th 2009
Toon Awards
Best of Show and Best Comic Strip - Eric Lee Johnson -
Northern State University

Additional Awards:

Best Animation- Katy Elder & Roman Serebryakov (Des Moines Area Community College)
Best Illustration- Roman Serebryakov (Des Moines Area Community College)
Best Illustration- 2nd Place- Alex Heberling (Ohio State University)

Toon Award recipients and judges
Front row: Alex Heberling, Katy Elder, Roman Serebryakov, and Eric Lee Johnson
Back row: Tom Richmond, Bucky Jones, Chris Browne, Dave Carpenter, and Paul Fell
Toon Award Weekend Photos
Hector Curriel (editorial cartoonist) showing his portfolio to
Bucky Jones (humorous illustrator).
Tom Richmond (Mad Magazine cartoonist) tries to hold back
when asked which of the cartoonists attending actually looked
like cartoon characters.
Chris Browne (Hagar the Horrible) explaining the Viking creed.
Paul Fell (editorial cartoonist) giving some toon advice to Alex
Heberling, a Toon Award recipient.
Dave Carpenter (gag cartoonist) giving some tips on magazine
cartooning during his workshop.
Ken Alvine (cartoonist and publisher) takes students step by step in
creating cartoon characters in his cartoon workshop.
Jim Allen (editorial cartoonist) tries to regain the students' attention after
the punchline incident during his "Dissecting Cartoons" workshop.
Ed Baker, Emmy Award animator, admires one of the many
original cartoons on exhibit.
Check it out: more photos from the Toon Award Weekend on Tom Richmond's Blog